Is there any advantage to splitting a password?

The LM hash is computed as follows:

  1. The user’s ASCII password is converted to uppercase.
  2. This password is null-padded to 14 bytes.
  3. The 14-byte password is split into two 7-byte halves.
  4. These values are used to create two DES keys, one from each 7-byte half.
  5. Each of the two keys is used to DES-encrypt the constant ASCII string "KGS!@#$%", resulting in two 8-byte cipher-text values.
  6. These two cipher-text values are concatenated to form a 16-byte value, which is the LM hash.

There are a lot of security weaknesses outlined in the linked Wikipedia article and talked about elsewhere, but I'm particularly interested in steps 3 through 6. I'm curious about what led to this design. Is there any real security advantage to splitting a password, encrypting the two halves separately, then combining the two halves to form one hash again? Or is this just an example of "security through obscurity"?

find more : lm hash generator


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